
Bell Training Group Pty Ltd respects the privacy of our customers and will not use any customer details, provided in order transactions, for any purpose other than fulfilling the order and providing customer service. Your Privacy is important to us and we will do everything within our power to ensure your details are protected.

1. Orders

1.1 Orders are made at the discretion of the customer,

1.2 Orders will be fulfilled within 24 work hours (or 3 business days),

1.3 Completion of Order process may include use of PayPal, to which customer agrees to direct any grievances with the PayPal process to PayPal,

1.4 Orders are to be placed for both Online and Live Workshop training, this can be done through the website shop or where required through email where an invoice is required prior to payment.

1.5 Orders will not be fulfilled before payments have been made.

2. Payments

2.1 Payment is required for any product or service provided by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd prior to delivery,

2.2 Payments are to be made through the Website Shop via PayPal or Direct Bank Transfer or where invoice is required prior to payment through the payment method described on the invoice,

2.3 Invoice payment periods are 7 day terms,

2.4 Workshop payments are required 14 or more days prior to the commencement of the training,

2.5 With prior arrangement on large payments deposit and post payment terms may be made available.

3. Online Training

3.1 Online Training requires customers to provide internet enabled and connected devices,

3.2 Outages and downtime of services is outside the control of Bell Training Group Pty Ltd and will not be compensated for,

3.3 Online Training courses have limited access periods from 30 to 180 days and it is up to the customer to complete the course within this time,

3.4 Online Training Content is on-sold by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd, from and therefor all material remains the property of these businesses,

3.5 As these Online courses are not managed by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd, the accuracy and details contained within are the responsibility of and,

3.6 Online course content corrections and concerns can be sent to Bell Training Group Pty Ltd who will forward all suggestions and concerns to their provider, however, Bell Training Group Pty Ltd cannot be held responsible for the actions or inaction of the course provider.

4. Workshops

4.1 Public Workshops must meet minimum numbers to run and will be cancelled if these requirements are not met - this is both for financial viability and customer experience levels,

4.2 All materials required for successful Workshop completion will be provided by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd, however it is up to the participant to undertake the work required to pass their exam and gain a Certificate (we cannot make people succeed if they do not put in the effort),

4.3 We respect that our customers may have different food requirements and request this to be made know to us during the Workshop confirmation discussion so that we can meet these individual needs,

4.4 Workshop behavioural expectations will apply, these will be set forth at the beginning of each workshop, however, if participants choose to ignore these rules they will be exited from the workshop and no refund will be given, these rules include; respect for all participants regardless of their race, colour, creed, beliefs, gender or sexual orientation; use workplace appropriate language at all times; no harassment or discrimination of any kind will be tolerated; among others agreed with each group,

4.5 As mentioned in section 2.4 all participants are expected to be fully paid prior to attendance, unless prior arrangement has been made and any participant that does not meet this requirement will be asked to leave the training prior to its commencement.

5. Contact

5.1 Contact with Bell Training Group Pty Ltd or any of its representatives including Trainers and Consultants will be for the purpose of purchasing or booking training or consulting, to seek assistance with course related queries or to request assistance with workplace applications of knowledge acquired through Bell Training Group Pty Ltd provided training,

5.2 A Fair Go Policy is to be adhered to in relation to the amount of, and the time of contact with Bell Training Group Pty Ltd representatives or employees, excessive or out of regular working hours contact will be deemed in breach of this policy. Breaches of this policy will be discussed with the perpetrator on the first instance with any continuance of policy breach, where applicable, will be treated as harassment and dealt with to the full extent of the law,

5.3 Preferred contact methods are emails; which will be answered within 24 business hours, or phone calls during the hours of 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday (except on Public Holidays), text or instant messages will be treated as emails and answered as soon as possible within 24 business hours,

5.4 Contact through Bell Training Group Pty Ltd Website Blog Comments or Social Media portals will be reviewed and shared where applicable as long as these comments are not inappropriate, discriminatory, or forms of solicitation, any such comment will be deleted without notification to the author.

6. Liability Disclaimer

6.1 Products and Services provided by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd that are sourced from external suppliers remain the responsibility of those external suppliers,

6.2 Any issues with externally provided products or services can be reported to your contact at Bell Training Group Pty Ltd, who will do everything within their power to resolve said issue, if the issue cannot be fully resolved then a partial credit may be applicable depending on the value of the non-deliverable element of the product or service,

6.3 Online Products that are on-sold by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd are stored on suppliers servers and as such are not within the control or liability of Bell Training Group Pty Ltd,

6.4 Online Products delivered by Bell Training Group Pty Ltd, regardless of the supplier, are dependant on the customers access to the internet, this access remains the responsibility of the customer throughout the access period to the product. Any lack of internet access a customer experiences within a product access period is not the responsibility of Bell Training Group Pty Ltd or any of its suppliers and is therefor excluded from any liability claim to extended product access time,

6.5 As a percentage of Bell Training Group Pty Ltd products are delivered online, it is always suggested that customers experiencing access problems first clear their browser history including cookies before contacting Bell Training Group Pty Ltd for support.

7. Outcomes

7.1 Bell Training Group Pty Ltd provide Training and Consulting Services to individuals and businesses for the purposes of improvement of personal, business and societal outcomes and results, however these outcomes and results are ultimately the responsibility of the individuals and businesses and the actions they choose or do not choose to take, therefor Bell Training Group Pty Ltd will not be liable for the outcomes of any clients or customers outside of any written consultation contracted agreements.

8. Guarantees

8.1 The Six Sigma Online Training Guarantee is 100% Money Back within the first 30 days while undertaking the Yellow Belt Online Course under the following conditions;

8.1.1 The Customer must have purchased and paid for the Six Sigma Package Deal,

8.1.2 The Customer must not have completed the Yellow Belt Exam, regardless of the result,

8.1.3 The Customer must have contacted Bell Training Group via email or phone prior to either completing the Six Sigma Yellow Belt exam, or the 30 day period has ended,

8.1.4 If the Customer has completed the full Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course, undertaken the exam regardless of the result and not contacted a Bell Training Group Pty Ltd representative, then upon completion of the exam the Customer will be given access to the Six Sigma Green Belt Course and the guarantee will become void,

8.1.5 This voiding of the guarantee will occur either if the conditions in 8.1.1 - 8.1.4 have occurred regardless of the time that has elapsed since taking up the offer,

8.1.6 The guarantee will also become void if the Customer does not complete their Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course and exam withing the 30 Day period and has not made contact with Bell Training Group Pty Ltd making formal written notification of their desire to enact the guarantee.

8.2 The Scrum Online Training Guarantee is 100% Money Back within the first 30 days while undertaking the Scrum Fundamentals Online Course under the following conditions;

8.2.1 The Customer must have purchased and paid for the Scrum Package Deal,

8.2.2 The Customer must not have completed the Scrum Fundamentals exam, regardless of the result,

8.2.3 The Customer must have contacted Bell Training Group via email or phone prior to either completing the Scrum Fundamentals exam, or the 30 day period has ended,

8.2.4 If the Customer has completed the full Scrum Fundamentals Course, undertaken the exam regardless of the result and not contacted a Bell Training Group Pty Ltd representative, then upon completion of the exam the Customer will be given access to the Scrum Developer Certified Course and the guarantee will become void,

8.2.5 This voiding of the guarantee will occur either if the conditions in 8.1.1 - 8.1.4 have occurred regardless of the time that has elapsed since taking up the offer,

8.2.6 The guarantee will also become void if the Customer does not complete their Scrum Fundamentals Course and exam within the 30 Day period and has not made contact with Bell Training Group Pty Ltd making formal written notification of their desire to enact the guarantee.