Meet Our Team

catherine bell


hayden bell

Registered Practicing Psychologist

Discover the people behind Bell Training Group...

Catherine J Bell - View Full Profile

Catherine is a true believer in the power of people - to transform organisations and make the world a better place for all.

An inspiring International Speaker, Facilitator and Coach, Catherine has spent the last 23 years of her career leading teams and individuals to peak performance.

She has worked as a Consultant, Trainer and Human Resources Professional with some of the largest service organisations in the world, both in Australia and internationally. Her energetic and professional approach ensures enjoyable learning experiences with guaranteed positive results. Her commitment to excellence in HR practice led to the award of her Fellowship and CPHR designation (Certified Practitioner of HR) in 2023-4, with the Australian HR Institute.

Her zest for life and positive outlook is a source of inspiration for many, resulting in invitations to speak at many high-profile events over the years, including recent engagements at the 6th IPPA World Congress in Melbourne, Wellbeing@Work Summit in Sydney, multiple Women in Leadership Conferences in Melbourne, B1G1x Sydney and Gold Coast and INPM's 10th Biennial Conference in Vancouver.

She is a certified Speaker for Good, paying forward a portion of her speaking fees to support the U.N.'s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and passionately supporting causes in Education, Clean Water and Environment. Catherine's passion for social justice extends to philanthropic works supporting the arts, as well as Board positions working with local NFP organisations serving people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage, and community education. She is a registered member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Catherine holds a Master's of Applied Positive Psychology with First Class Honours from The University of Melbourne and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Victoria University. Catherine holds extensive qualifications and experience in Coaching and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation, with previous tenure on the ICF Australasia (Southern States) Leadership Team. Catherine is also an Accredited Consultant of the Strengths Profiling Tool, GENOS Emotional Intelligence Profiling Tool and Employee Engagement Survey Tool, Work on Wellbeing Profiling Tool and a Licensed HeartMath Stress Resilience 1:1 Provider. This unique combination leads to specialisation in stress management, learned optimism and resilience techniques for organisations and individuals.

Catherine loves to spend time at her local beach boogie boarding, swimming and kayaking, and enjoys cooking international cuisines, listening to live rock and blues and of course study…with a book in the hammock.

Hayden DW Bell - View Full Profile

Hayden is a Practicing Registered Psychologist, with a passion for general Psychology and workplace wellbeing, and understands at a deep level the importance of developing great Leaders to grow successful businesses. Hayden’s own success as a Leader comes from his passion to create operational excellence, harnessing the hidden skills and expertise of his teams. Over many years in senior roles, Hayden fine – tuned his skills in people management, training and workplace coaching. Previously, Hayden spent many years specialising in Continuous Improvement Consulting, working at a Senior level with national brands on delivery of complex, multiple-stakeholder projects. This included extended contracts as a Six Sigma Black Belt Consultant for NBNCo, requiring complex data analysis, interpretation and C-Suite level decision making in a complex and fast-changing environment.

Respected as a natural leader, coach and facilitator, Hayden gets a kick out of seeing the light bulbs go on – and translating into great action! Hayden consults with Bell Training Group in designing customised programs for clients and ensuring a strong evidence base for our programs.

Hayden holds a Degree and Graduate Diploma (Adv) in Psychology, Diplomas in Life Coaching and Logistics Management, as well as being a qualified EMDR Practitioner, Neurolinguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Trainer, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and HeartMath Stress Resilience 1:1 Provider. His extensive practice on the Bellarine Peninsula, and across Australia via Telehealth, serves a variety of clients and is a great vehicle for Hayden to contribute to the mental health and wellbeing of his local and wider community. 

When he’s not working or studying, Hayden takes any chance he can to get outdoors be it hiking, surfing, boogie boarding, swimming, or kayaking. He also indulges in stone sculpting and long walks with his bouncy Kelpie-cross as often as possible.

B1G1 Business for good giving

Bell Training Group is a Certified Business for Good.

Bell Training Group is a proud member of the B1G1 Global Giving movement. We believe that business can be a force for good and we actively support the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals. Every time you do business with us, someone else in the world benefits, too. Together, we can make a difference! We are delighted to have been able to support the following projects since's our ongoing giving impact.